How to Ask a Reporter out for Coffee

How to Ask a Reporter out for Coffee


Coffee, it’s not just for breakfast anymore. Turns out, it’s a great way to get to know a local reporter you have been hoping would write about you!

Why leave coffee strictly in the realm of sales prospecting, chats with long, lost friends or a pit-stop on the way to work? Why not use it, and the opportunity it affords to enjoy another person’s company while sipping your favorite coffee beverage, as a means to promote your business, your brand, your PR?

Some considerations to weigh as you look to invite a local reporter or TV news anchor:

  1. They are very, very busy people
  2. They get a lot of invitations to coffee (and lunch, drinks, dinner, etc.)
  3. They look at anybody trying to cozy up to them with a natural amount of skepticism

So how do you win the trust of such an elusive creature as that? Try a few of these tricks:

  1. Get an introduction from a mutual friend (even ask that friend to set the meeting up if neccessary)
  2. Email the reporter and briefly let him know what you do and how you would love buy him a cup of joe and hopefully get to know how you could be a resource (in other words, just be honest and be yourself)
  3. Tweet or email relevant information that might help the reporter by adding details to a story she recently wrote (retweet her tweets as well, just don’t overdo it)
  4. Meet the reporter at PR over Coffee, ask for a business card and a chance to grab a cup of coffee “on the house” – it’s hard to turn down an offer made out of goodwill and in front of others
  5. Blog about the reporter’s work and reference how your business is somehow related or in contrast to what he has written in the past (don’t forget to tweet the blog post and put the reporter on @ copy)
  6. Pick up the phone and ask the reporter out for a cup of coffee

In other words, don’t miss out on the pleasant opportunity to both enjoy a cup of coffee and indulge in a little PR over Coffee! In as little as fifteen minutes, you could be on your way to some local news coverage courtesy of the humble coffee bean!

Got any comments you’d like to add or care to mention how coffee has proved instrumental to your PR success? Please elaborate below. Or just invite me to a cup of coffee!


About Dave Manzer: In 2009, Dave Manzer founded Swyft, an Austin PR & digital marketing agency for startups and fast-growth businesses. His team specializes in highly integrated PR & inbound marketing strategies that help B2B tech companies around the world reach their goals in brand awareness and revenue growth. If you have any PR questions about your startup or small business, feel free to tweet him at @davemanzer or email him at

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